AWARD is proud to announce that Gender in Agribusiness Investments in Africa (GAIA) is now accepting applications from institutions and enterprises for the 2016 GAIA AgriTech Innovation Challenge.  GAIA has been launched by AWARD to increase agribusiness investments in technological and business model innovations that benefit African women value chain actors. GAIA aims to create and manage an “AgTech solutions market place” that ensures visibility, commercialization and scaling up of agricultural research innovations (AgTech) by African women scientists.


  • The top 20 companies will be chosen from the applicants to participate in an in-depth boot camp, and then be showcased to investors, incubators, and other support organizations in Nairobi, Kenya in November 7-10, 2016.
  • The goal of this challenge is to support promising women working in agriculture to refine their business models, and help connect them to additional influencers in the agriculture sector.


  • Are in the agriculture or allied sectors with an innovative technology or business model
  • Are women-led or have women managers
  • Have an experienced, credible and dedicated investors and management team
  • Have a clear for-profit business model with high potential for scale
  • Have some proof of concept on the ground, conducted pilots and are preferably generating revenues
  • Are looking for funding to commercialize/scale
  • Have operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

DEADLINE: October 28 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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