Applications are currently open for the 2015-2016 Global Health Corps. Global Health Corps provides a year-long Paid fellowship for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for the global health equity at the existing health organizations and government agencies. Fellows are currently working in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia and the United states.

The fellowship begins in July 2015 and extends through to August 2016. Fellows engage in professional development training, mentorship and thoughtful community-building, and continue to draw upon their fellowship experience and the Global Health Corps alumni network as the build careers of lasting impact. Applicants can apply for up to 3 different fellowship positions. This year the Global health Corps placements are: communication, direct service, fund raising, architecture, policy and advocacy, health infrastructure, health workforce, monitoring and evaluation, partnership development.


  • Training: Major debates and schools of thoughts within global health public service to encourage fellows to explore their ambitions and identities within the space
  • Public engagement: Global Health Corps equips our fellows to clearly articulate their vision for more equitable world by training them in op-ed writing and public speaking and offering them opportunities to speak at conferences, write for publications, and contribute to the larger dialogue on global health.
  • Professional Development: Opportunities are provided for both fellows and alumni to connect with the broader global health movement, strengthen professional skills, and build networks. This is achieved through a variety of activities, including professional development funds, networking events, conferences, and the advisor program.


  • Be 30 or under at the start of the fellowship
  • Have an undergraduate university degree by July 2015
  • Be proficient in English.

DEADLINE: 3rd February, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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