The Voqal Fellowship is an investment in a new generation of social entrepreneurs. Fellows will receive financial resources and mentoring to help bring an early stage idea to life. The Voqal Fellowship is an opportunity for young innovators to test assumptions, research target audiences and build strong business plans.

The Voqal Fellowship is designed to further progressive, social justice-oriented causes. Ideal applicants will have a specific issue or challenge they are looking to address over the course of their fellowship. Projects can be broad in scope, or a simple tool that will help resolve a social inequity or lead to progressive social change.


  • Voqal Fellows will receive a $30,000 stipend and will be expected to complete a project in six months
  • Candidates must have three-to-five years of work experience and may not be currently enrolled in a graduate program
  • The fellowship is intended to provide an opportunity to build out an idea or concept that would not be possible to accomplish with a full-time job. Qualifying fellows may also be eligible to receive an additional stipend to help offset the cost of personal health insurance.

Eligibility projects

  • Mobile Apps
  • Media Products
  • Information Access
  • Tools for Wrangling Big Data
  • Algorithms
  • Software for Social Change Agents
  • Websites

Deadline: October 23, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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