The Ground Truth project is dedicated to training a new generation of international correspondents in the digital age and to adding increased knowledge and understanding on issues of social justice including human rights, freedom of expression, emerging democracies, the environment, religious affairs and global health


  • Selected fellows will travel to France to cover the 2015 Paris climate conference in December and work with the Ground Truth team to shape an in-depth, multimedia package to be reported over the next three years.
  • During the four weeks fellowship, fellows will produce live coverage of the event, develop sources and ideas and receive training and mentorship from veteran correspondents.
  • They will also become eligible for additional climate change reporting opportunities with Ground Truth that will continue through 2018


  • Reporting fellowship applicants can be from any country, but must be early in their careers and show a demonstrated interest in, and unique talent for, covering the environment
  • Ground Truth is also seeking experienced editor to lead the project
  • Editors must have at least three years experience reporting and editing, preferably with a focus on the environment

Deadline: September 22, 2015

 To apply and for more information visit here


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