Young African Leadership Programme for African Policy Experts

Three months of fully-funded training in Florence, Italy, will bring together the selected mid-career policy professionals from Africa to strengthen their global leadership skills. The Young African Leadership Programme targets African public servants, journalists, entrepreneurs, and civil society leaders in mid-career. STG is looking for applicants with a strong interest in African issues, such as peace, security, and governance; gender and inclusion; migration and mobility; education, science, and skills development. In addition to climate change, trade, and investments, the program focuses on technology and digital transformation, as well as public health.


  • Fellowships are fully-funded with a grant of € 2,500 per month.
  • The selected African fellows must live in the area of Florence for the duration of their stay. The language of the Programme is English.
  • Where possible, the STG will seek to integrate French. The Programme has an intensive training schedule, and is therefore a full-time and fully-funded fellowship scheme.


  • The Programme targets mid-career, high potential policy-makers, diplomats, and professionals from Africa, working in national and local authorities, regional, continental, international organizations and development partners, civil society organizations, academia, media and private sector, in Africa.
  • More precisely, the Programme is open to professionals (M/F/X), mid-career and executives alike, who are nationals of African countries, residing in Africa
  • Applicants who are up to the age of 35.

DEADLINE: April 7 2022

To apply and for more information visit here





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