Start-up Sandbox is a 3-month incubation program for early-stage start-ups to build, validate, develop their businesses into profitable & sustainable enterprises to stimulate the creation of jobs in Nigeria.

The project is primarily aimed at the enterprise development of youth-led businesses and the capacity development of young entrepreneurs using experiential learning with design thinking tools to validate and scale sustainable and impactful start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa.


  • The incubation program is designed to build 30 youth-led- businesses from market entry – iteration – team formation to investment-ready start-ups.


  • Start-ups in diverse sectors including but not limited to Agriculture, Agri-Tech, Education, IoT, green energy will be supported
  • Selected Entrepreneurs will learn the following;

Customer development

Market Segmentation

Branding and Design

Product development

Go-to-Market and Scale

Hiring and onboarding

Equity and funding

Legal and IP.

DEADLINE: March 14, 2020,

To apply and for more information visit here.


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