The Moth, the internationally-acclaimed organization dedicated to the art and craft of personal stories told live, is holding three virtual storytelling workshops in October 2020, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Through its Global Community Program, The Moth conducts workshops with individuals around the world, elevating stories that highlight world issues, dissolve stereotypes and bridge social divides. Guided by Moth instructors, workshop participants shape selected life experiences into well-crafted stories, which may then be presented to peers and to the world at large.


These workshops will explore personal stories related to the issues around Family Planning.

  • All workshops will be offered free of charge and will be made available to a total of 24 people (8 per workshop).
  • Participants will be introduced to principles of personal narrative, developed by The Moth through its work with thousands of storytellers since its launch in 1997;
  • Identify one personal story; and
  • Receive one-on-one coaching to help craft your five-minute story

As part of the storytelling workshop, there will also be a 90-minute session on Storytelling for Advocacy. This session will discuss how to craft your personal story with an angle towards advocacy. There will be three options, all taking place the week of October 26th.


Who should apply for this workshop:

  • Individuals who identify as a beneficiary of family planning services, including in areas of service delivery, access to contraception, family planning for adolescents and youth, and social behavior change.
  • Additionally, we encourage advocates working in the field providing access to family planning services to share their experiences in moving towards greater visibility for contraceptive and reproductive health services.

DEADLINE: September 7, 2020.

To apply and for more information visit here.


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