The SA-USA Community Engagement Exchange Programme (CEEP) is an initiative of the Youth Programmes at the South African Institute of the International Affairs (Youth@SAIIA) in partnership with the University of the Witwatersrand and Howard University. The goal of this programme is to create a youth-led culture of community engagement and public participation on university campuses for a more sustainable future. This programme will develop youth participation skills from a foundation of awareness-raising through to engagement in policy and decision-making spaces.


  • Selected undergraduate students and youth advocates from South Africa and the United States will participate in a yearlong programme that will involve virtual workshops, a South African conference in June/July 2020 and an American conference in January 2021.
  • Through this exchange, participants will enhance their ability to work with young people from diverse backgrounds to create and implement localised community engagement plans to address challenges of a changing word.


  • A registered undergraduate student at a South African university and/or an active youth participant of an organisation in South Africa
  • Between the ages 18 – 25 years
  • Available to attend the CEEP South African Conference at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg from 25 June to 9 July 2020 (letters will be available to potentially help with exam deferral if required)
  • Available to attend the CEEP American Conference at Howard University in Washington, D.C. in late January 2021 (exact dates to be confirmed)
  • Available to participate in five virtual workshop sessions between April and November 2020
  • Eager to serve as an ambassador of your university and community
  • Passionate about sustainable development issues and community engagement
  • Ready to be a leader and advocate for youth participation in decision-making spaces

DEADLINE: February 28, 2020.

To apply and for more information visit here


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