
The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize is a recognition of quality journalism and the vital role that journalists play in our societies. Through their stories, we can gain a better understanding of the complex world around us. They shed light on structural problems, and their reporting is often the first step in correcting injustices. I encourage all journalists who subscribe to sustainable development to apply and join us in honoring the stories that truly matter.he Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, the EU’s flagship journalism award, opens for applications today. Journalists can apply by submitting eligible stories until midnight of 28 April.The Prize recognises and honors the work of journalists from around the world which shed a light on the most pressing global challenges.

The European Commission calls on journalists reporting on issues relating to inequality, poverty eradication, sustainable development, environment, biodiversity, climate action, digital, jobs and employment, education and skills development, migration, healthcare, peace, democracy and human rights toA Grand Jury of internationally renowned journalists and representatives from key non-governmental organizations from around the world will choose the winners in each category.Each winner will receive €10 000. The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist category will also be offered a work experience with a media partner.The winners will be announced at the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize Award Ceremony in Brussels later in 2023.


  • Each winner will receive €10 000. 
  • The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist category will also be offered a work experience with a media partner.
  • The winners will be announced at the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize Award Ceremony in Brussels later in 2023.


  • Submissions can be made in written, audio-visual, or multimedia (such as photo-reportages, interactive articles with charts, and infographics) formats.
  • Entries must have been published or broadcast between 10 March 2022 and 9 March 2023.
  • All entries provided must be freely accessible (not behind a paywall) via an online link.
  • The Prize admits submissions in all languages accompanied by a translation in English, French, Spanish, German, or Portuguese when these are not the original languages of the reporting.
  • For text-based entries, the length limit is 2,300 words. Video and audio entries can be up to 30 minutes long.
  • The location of the media outlet where the reporting was published determines the geographic eligibility of the application. The outlet’s office must be based in an eligible country.
  • Submitted reporting can have one or several authors.

Note:The participants must be the authors and holders of the copyright and the moral rights of their work. Entries in languages other than English, French, Spanish, German or Portuguese will only be evaluated on the basis of the translated texts.

  • Eligible Regions: Central African Republic, Collectivity of Saint Barthélemy, Commonwealth of Dominica, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Cook Islands, Federal Re Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of Mozambique, Republic of Namibia, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of Palau, Republic of Panama, Republic of Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Poland, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of South Africa, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of Suriname, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of the Congo, Republic of The Gambia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Vanuatu, Republic of Yemen, Republic of Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe

DEADLINE: April 28, 2023

To apply and for more information visit here


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