2021 Courses

YouthHubAfrica invites applications from Youth leaders, Youth-led organisations, Youth Groups, and young individuals across Africa to be a part of the Youth Leaders and Youth Organisations Capacity building in the areas of youth participation in governance and policymaking. This training program is a follow-up to the capacity building gaps identified through the recently concluded survey that highlights capacity needs and gaps of Youth-led organisation, Youth networks, youth leaders, and aspiring leaders on the African Continent with a special preference for young people in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Sudan.

Africa has witnessed a resurgence of youth activism, youth-led social movements, and youth engagement processes, which produced new models and forms of leadership and civic participation, however, with this trend is an increasing realization of the capacity gaps of many of these youth organisations, networks, and movements. Most often, many youth groups still lack the skills and resources to meaningfully engage existing policy and governance structures that would lead to mass socio-economic development within the continent.

The course is specifically designed for youth-led and youth-focused organisations as well as youth leaders and young people who are interested in policy and policy development in Africa. The course aims at informing the design and delivery of capacity strengthening programmes to mainstream youth voices through stronger and effective youth-led and youth-focused organisations.


  • Certificates will be awarded upon completion of the training to participants with a minimum of 80% attendance which includes both the course and webinars on zoom. 
  • 3 of the best performing participants will be invited to the final review and adoption of the alternative youth agenda all-expense paid.
  • Meeting and engaging people from other parts of the continent.


People who should take part in the course

  • Youth: Young Africans between ages 18 to 35 including rural youth, youth living with disabilities, informal young workers, and young women
  • Youth workers: People who work directly with young people in their social, emotional, and educational development
  • Youth leaders: People who lead youth groups, youth movements, youth-focused organisations among others
  • Youth-led and focused organisations: They provide the tools and resources necessary for youth development, implement youth programmes and advocate on youth issues
  • Policymakers: They develop youth policies and make decisions affecting young people

Others: Training providers, researchers, curriculum developers, etc.


To apply and for more information visit here


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