The participants in this course are representatives of youth organizations in Europe and Africa. European and African national and international youth organizations are invited to propose candidates for this course. The selection will be carried out by the North-South Centre in consultation with partners of the training course.

Approximately 50% of the participants in this course will come from youth organizations in Europe; the other half will come from youth organizations in Africa. Gender balance will be ensured in the selection process of the participants, as well as the balance between the type and nature of organizations.


  • The North-South Centre will do its best to issue a pre-paid ticket. In exceptional cases, participants might advance the booking of the international flight and reimbursement will be done fully or in an agreed amount
  • It is expected that participants/background organization support the expenses related with local transport in the home country, as well as visa and necessary vaccination costs
  • No participation fee for this training course.


  • Should be a key multiplier playing an active role within a youth organisation, network or service at national or regional level, and plan to continue this work in the near future.
  • Seeking gender balance.
  • diverse social and geographical background (including disadvantaged and minority groups)
  • Aged between 18 and 30
  • Have already some qualification or experience in terms of international youth work
  • Be committed to attend the full duration of the course and be supported by a youth organisation or service
  • Be able to present the context of their work, their way of tackling problems, the challenges they meet.
  • Be able to work and communicate in English/French.

Deadline: October 12, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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