Sussex has received funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Office for Artificial Intelligence (OAI) to increase diversity in the AI and data science sector and to support students from underrepresented groups to access, participate and succeed in higher education.


  • Cash Award of £10,000


To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, you must have been offered and accepted a place on one of the following degrees, commencing in September 2021:

  • MSc Artifical Intelligence and Adaptive Systems
    MSc Data Science
    MSc Human and Social Data Science
    Scholarships will be prioritised for black students, female students and students with disabilities.
  • Special consideration will also be give to students from areas of the UK where young people are less likely to go on to higher education (POLAR quintiles 1 and 2), care-experienced students, estranged students, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller students, refugees, and children from military families, veterans and partners of military personnel.
  • We will accept overseas applications, however, priority will be given to UK applicants.

DEADLINE: August 1, 2021.

To apply and for more information visit here


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