The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is seeking applicants for its International Training Programme, “Gender Statistics” with an aim to contribute to capacity building on gender equality and on how statistics on women and men can be compiled, analysed, disseminated and communicated in a manner that makes gender inequalities visible.


  • Enhanced capacity to compile and analyse gender statistics based on user needs and according to international standards.
  • Communicate and disseminate gender statistics to a wide range of users
  • Establish a network between different actors in the participating countries regarding gender statistics.


  • The programme targets statistical producers and strategic users of statistics in the area of gender equality.
  • The producers are those producing a country’s official statistics. Regarding users, the training programme is particularly aimed at decision-makers, and professionals within civil society, media, academia and the business community in a position to contribute to increased gender equality in society.
  • Suitable organizations are the national statistical institutes, governmental or civil society organizations, or the private sector working with gender equality.

 DEADLINE: January 5 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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