The United Nations University (UNU) is now accepting applications for the JSPS-UNU Post doctoral Fellowship programme. Jointly organized by UNU and Japan Society for the promotion of Science (JSPS).
- The Fellows are resident at UNU-IAS or UNU-CPR in Tokyo for the full term of the fellowship
- This programme will give the fellows the opportunity to gain from the border research programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences arranged by UNU-IAS and UNU-CPR.
- UNU offers Postdoctoral Fellowships to provide young scholars and policy makers. especially from the developing world, with multi disciplinary context within which to pursue advanced research and training that are of professional interest to the successful applicant and of direct relevance to the research agenda of their selected UNU-IAS or UNU-Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) Programme.
DEADLINE: February 28 2017
To apply and for more information visit here