The Landscape Architecture Foundation Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership was established to foster transformational leadership capacity and innovation to advance the field of landscape architecture. The fellowship is an opportunity for mid-career or senior-level professionals to dedicate the equivalent of 3 months’ time over the course of one year to nurture emerging ideas and to think deeply. It is designed as a time to reflect, research, explore, create, test, and develop ideas into action.


  • Each year, LAF will award 3-5 Fellowships, based upon the merit of the applicant pool and available funding. Each selected Fellow will receive one $25,000 award;
  • The award will be paid out in (3) three payments of $8,333.33 upon successful completion of each Residency. Attendance at residencies is mandatory for payment of funds. (See Fellowship Structure);
  • LAF will also provide travel stipends for the Fellow to attend the three residencies.
  • Teams may apply for the Fellowship and share the $25,000 award. The Fellowship Team Lead is required to attend the three residences and will receive a travel stipend. Additional team members are welcome, but are not required to attend the residencies and are responsible for their own expenses.


  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in landscape architecture. For those with degrees from colleges/universities in the U.S. and Canada, the landscape architecture program must be LAAB- or LAAC-accredited. For those outside of the U.S. and Canada, in locations where landscape architecture is not a recognized degree, a degree in a related discipline is acceptable, provided that the applicant works as a landscape architect;
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 6 years of professional experience in landscape architecture. This experience can include all types of practice — private, public, academic, non-profit, service, multi-disciplinary, and other;
  • Applicants must be able to communicate in written and spoken English at an advanced/professional level and provide evidence of proficiency

DEADLINE: December 1 2016

To apply and for more information visit here



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