Emerging Voices for Global Health (EV4GH) is an innovative multi-partner blended training program for young, promising and emerging health policy & systems researchers, decision makers and other health system actors with an interest to become influential global health voices and/or local change makers. EV4GH coaches “Emerging Voices” to participate actively in international conferences where global health issues are addressed and to raise their voice in scientific and policy debates.


  • A limited Number of full and partial scholarships may be awarded to successful EVs.


  • There will be two tracks for which participants can apply to be an EV 2018. While one track is reserved for researchers involved in health policy and systems research.
  • The other Track seeks to attract Health Professionals, Activists, Decision or Policy makers and/or other health systems actors.
  • All applicants must have been born on or after 1 January 1978

DEADLINE: March 5 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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