Public call for the granting of 30 Training Scholarships for Graduates and graduated administrators (graduated professionals and officials) from extra-EU countries, having citizenship and permanent residence in one of the following countries: Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. The training will have to be carried out at selected institutes of the National Research Council based in Italy, and financed by the Multi-Disciplinary Training Programme “Sciences for DIPLOMAzia2”
- A gross monthly sum of Euro 1,600,00 will be provided for six months.
- University Degree as specified above in Article 1 for each course
- Date of birth not earlier than 1975
- Excellent knowledge of English language, official certification obtained will be preferred
- Declaration knowledge of Italian language
- It is strictly ruled out any possibility of age limitation exemption.
DEADLINE: November 4 2016
To apply and for more information visit here