Young Professional Fellowship is a series of intensely illuminating programs designed for the global youth falling in the age...
Archive for category: Fellowships
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CDCS University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. Fellowship 2021 ($60,000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, PHD/Post Doctoral, Fellowship Opportunity, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, Youth Opportunities, 0The Center on Digital Culture and Society at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication invites applications to...
International Mathematical Union Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2021 ($5,000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, PHD/Post Doctoral, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, PhD Fellowships, Youth Opportunities, 0The International Mathematical Union invites applications from mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator...
Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program 2021
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, Trainings, Fellowship for Teachers, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, Youth Opportunities, 0The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement (Fulbright TEA) Program, General Pedagogy Cohort, will bring approximately 168 international secondary school...
IMU/Simons African Fellowship Program 2021 ($5000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowship for Africans, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, Youth Opportunities, 0The IMU – Simons African Fellowship Program is funded by the Simons Foundation, NY, USA and supports research sabbaticals...
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship for Women Journalists Worldwide (Fully Funded)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship for Women Journalists Worldwide (Fully Funded), 0The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship gives academic and professional opportunities to women journalists committed to human rights and social justice reporting....
Africa No Filter Fellowship for Emerging Artists 2021 ($5000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowship for Emerging Artists, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, 0Africa No Filter is seeking exceptional emerging artists for a 12-month remote fellowship. Fellows will be expected to develop...
Neuffer/IWMF Fellowship for Journalists 2021 (Fully funded)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowship for Journalists, opportunity, Opportunity for Young AFricans, Opportunity for Young Nigerians, Youth Opportunities, 0The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship gives academic and professional opportunities to women journalists committed to human rights and social justice...
WARA/Mastercard Foundation Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships (USD$4,000 Grant) 2021
Austin Emma, , Closed, Fellowships, Opportunities, WARA/Mastercard Foundation Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships, 0The West African Research Association (WARA), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation, is pleased to announce support for young West...
CRIBAP Media Fellowship 2021 ($1000 Expense Support)
Malti Danjuma, , Awards, Closed, Fellowships, Grants, Child Rights Bill Advocacy Program, Global Fellowships, Latest Opportunities 2021, Media Fellowship, Media Fellowship for Journalists, Sokoto State Journalists, YouthhubAfrica Opportunities, 0The YouthHubAfrica’s Child Rights Bill Advocacy Program Media Fellowship is a one-year fellowship designed to equip journalists with the...