ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) is committed to peaceful and enriching coexistence between people and cultures worldwide. We promote art and...
Archive for category: Fellowships
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Closed: APPLY: IRP Global Journalism Reporting Fellowships on Women’s rights or LGBTI Rights 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, fellowships, global, IRP, journalism, LGBTI, Reporting, rights, Women’s right, 0The International Reporting Project (IRP) is now accepting applications for reporting fellowships on women’s rights or LGBTI rights. WORTH Special...
Closed: APPLY: World Press Institute Fellowship Program for Journalists 2017 (Fully Funded to the USA)
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, fellowship, Institute, journalists, Press, program, world, 0The WPI fellowship is offered to 10 journalists from countries around the world. It provides immersion into the governance,...
Closed: APPLY: ICTP Visiting Fellowships for Mathematicians from Developing Countries in Italy, 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Countries, Developing, fellowships, ICTP, Italy, Mathematicians, Visiting, 0The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is offering a small number of Mathematics Research Fellowships for mathematicians...
Closed: APPLY: Swedish Institute Study Scholarships for Developing Countries, 2017/2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Scholarships, Countries, Developing, Institute, scholarships, Swedish, 0SISS is the Swedish government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders. It is funded by the Ministry...
Closed: APPLY: African Leadership Institute (AFLI) Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme for Emerging Young African Leaders 2017 (Fully Funded)
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, (AFLI), African, Archbishop, Emerging, fellowship, Institute, leaders, leadership, programme, Tutu, young, 0The African Leadership Institute (AFLI) is unique among leadership initiatives in that it focuses on building the capacity and...
Closed: APPLY: Cadbury Research Fellowship Scheme for Africa Scholars to Study in United Kingdom 2017 (Fully Funded)
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, africa, Cadbury, fellowship, research, Scheme, scholars, United Kingdom, 0The Department of African Studies and Anthropology has run an annual Cadbury research programme for the since 2002. The programme...
Closed: APPLY: Foreign Policy Interrupted’s Fellowship Program for Women Passionate about Foreign Policy & International Affairs
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Affairs, fellowship, foreign, international, Interrupted’s, Passionate, Policy, program, women, 0Foreign Policy Interrupted’s Fellowship program is targeted to diversifying voices and opinions in the foreign policy space. The program...
Closed: APPLY: CAS-TWAS President’s PhD Fellowship Programme for Study in China 2017 (Fully Funded)
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, CAS-TWAS, china, fellowship, PhD, presidents, programme, 0According to an agreement between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for...
Closed: APPLY: Russell E. Train Fellowships for Graduate (Master’s or Doctoral Degree) Study in Conservation 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, conservation, Doctoral Degree, fellowships, graduate, masters, Russell E. Train, 0Russell E. Train Fellowships support individuals pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree in conservation. Each year, WWF supports committed...