The Women PeaceMakers Program (WPM) offers a unique opportunity for women building-peace to engage in a cycle of learning,...
Archive for category: Fellowships
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Closed: APPLY: Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, fellowship, Sharing communities, 0The fellowship supports outstanding individuals developing open culture in their communities under adverse circumstances. Organized by Creative Commons, Mozilla,...
Closed: APPLY: CIDRZ Global Public Health Fellowship Programme 2018/2019
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowship Programme, Global health, 0CIDRZ works closely with the Government of the Republic of Zambia to address priority health issues in-line with the...
Closed: APPLY: Halcyon Incubator Program for Early Stage Social Entrepreneur 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Early Stage Social Entrepreneur, Incubator Program, 0The Halcyon Incubator is committed to solving 21st century challenges throughout the nation and the world. The program equips...
Closed: APPLY: Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Fellowship Program for Masters’ Students 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowship Program, OKP, 0One possibility for obtaining a fellowship to study at KIT is through the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP), former Netherlands...
Closed: APPLY: IWMF Reporting Fellowships for Journalists 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, IWMF Fellowship, journalists, 0The IWMF is pleased to announce its Reporting Fellowships to El Salvador and the U.S./Mexico Border: Laredo and Eagle...
Closed: APPLY: Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Journalism Fellowship, Knight Science, MIT, 0The Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program at MIT supports a global community of dedicated and thoughtful journalists specializing in...
Closed: APPLY: Penn-UNESCO Fellowships For Developing Country Scholars 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Scholarships, Developing Country, Penn-UNESCO Fellowships, scholars, 0The University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education offers up to two full-tuition International Fellowships under the PennGSE–UNESCO Chair,...
Closed: APPLY: Dag Hammarskjöld Journalism Fellowship in New York 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, fellowship, journalism, new york, 0The fellowships offer a unique opportunity for promising young journalists from developing countries to observe United Nations deliberations and...
Closed: APPLY: Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme in USA 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Fellowships Programme, postdoctoral, USA, 0The department offers a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship for outstanding recently graduated PhDs in Geography. For these positions, they seek...