The United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi has announced the hosting of a first in the series of Google+ Hangouts on 17 May 2013 10 a.m. EST.
The Google+ Hangout will focus on my role as the Youth Envoy, and some of the key initiatives of the United Nations on youth and how it plans to engage youth at the international, regional and national levels.
The UNV Executive Co-ordinator and the Co-chair of the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development will also be present to speak about some of the initiatives undertaken by the UN to work with and for Youth. In addition, 3 youth leaders will be participating in the discussion!
The UN youth envoy invites young people to participate in this event, by sending questions using one of the following channels:
Facebook: UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth-Ahmad Alhendawi
Twitter: @AhmadAlhendawi and using #UNYouth