Press Release: Cape Town Social Enterprise Helps Boost Township Revenues by R1 Million
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
Amidst the gloomy unemployment figures released recently, a start-up social enterprise is making its mark, creating opportunities for entrepreneurs...
APPLY: 5th WYAAP Emerging Leaders Conference in Philippines
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 5th WYAAP, conference, ELC, Emerging, leaders, Philippines, 0
The Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) is an annual event of World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific (WYAAP) for young individuals...
Closed: APPLY: ASEAN Science Leadership Programme
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
The programme aims to grow mid-career ASEAN academics in the areas of thought leadership, team development, engagement and collaboration,...
Ugandan Youth create applications to aid business in Uganda
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, business, funding, technology, uganda, youth, 0
UGANDA: Mara Foundation brought together some young brilliant business minds for what was called the MaraBizHack. 8 groups of 3-6...
APPLY: Northeast SARE Partnership Grant: Building Knowledge for Farmers and Creating Partnerships in their Communities
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, building, Communities, Creating, Farmers, grant, Knowledge, Northeast, Partnership, Partnerships, SARE, 0
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is seeking proposals from the researchers and service providers who work directly with farmers for its Partnership...
Nigerian Blogger Hacked to Death, God Forbids! By ‘Sola Fagorusi
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
We should be intensely and sincerely worried about what is happening in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It is...
Happy Birthday Nigeria: Of a Nation and Life Expectancy
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, independence, life expectancy, Nigeria, 0
Do you remember how it was about a decade ago, when HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns used to pack real scary...
APPLY: Loughborough University Scholarships for African Students 2014/15
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
Loughborough University–UK is accepting ‘Loughborough University Graduate School Development Trust Africa Scholarships’ applications for the academic session 2014/15...