How many women keep cash and other vital items in their bras in Africa and the rest of the world? Will a bra purse come in Handy?
The bra purse has won this year’s design prize from HEMA, a popular Dutch chain selling clothing and household items. The design received 15% of the nearly 7000 votes.
Hiske Elferink, who studies at the Delft University of Technology, designed the purse which women can tuck into their bra, without it being visible. According to Elferink, “you can put your bank pass, coins and bills in it. It’s handy when you don’t have pockets or you want to go out without a bag.”
HEMA has still not decided whether it’s going to manufacture and market the product.
I chuckled when i first stumbled on this, however, i think it is innovative and will allow women keep their cash safe. Now i also know that its not only market women in Africa that keep cash in their bras.
Watch the video below to see how it works



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