
Truekolours Hub, a learning hub for young leaders and women entrepreneurs which uses education and innovation as a tool to solving Africa’s leadership challenge launches the IMPACT BOARD. This is in commemoration of this year’s International Youth Day, themed Youth Leading Sustainability.

The impact board is a media initiative, borne out of the need to celebrate young African leaders and promote their projects and businesses to the world. The online media is filled with success stories of leaders from the Western part of the world, celebrating their ventures, initiatives and great feats. The impact board seeks to change the narrative, give a voice to Africans to share their impact stories with the world and inspire the next generation of leaders to rewrite Africa’s future. This is a prestigious board on which the impact stories of thousands of young African leaders would be written, in order to project the enterprising and resourceful genre of African leaders making a difference in their communities and economies.

The impact board, sharing the impact stories of young African Leaders seeks to:

  • Share the unique stories of young African leaders making impact.
  • Celebrate young African Leaders and give them media exposure.
  • Promote the projects and businesses of young African leaders to the world
  • Better understand the needs of young leaders in the business and social sector.
  • Create a data bank of young leaders making impact.
  • Connect them to other young leaders for collaboration and partnerships to advance their projects and businesses.

This is a call to young African leaders that have a social enterprise, business venture or project that is established as a legal entity and has a social identity to share their impact stories and get the opportunity to be featured on the impact board.

We are inviting you to share your impact stories, raise your voice and inspire other young leaders all over the world.

To share your impact story, visit www.truekolourshub.com


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