Nominations are invited for the 2016 Just Peace Summit which will take place in March 5 – 11, 2016 in New York City. 25 — 35 Global Teen Leaders will be selected to participate in Three Dot Dash 2016. Travel, hotel and food are free.

Three Dot Dash is looking for Global Teen Leaders (GTLs) who are doing extraordinary work that helps meet one or more of the basic human needs: food, water, health, shelter, education, safety and the environment — thus, creating a more peaceful society.


  • Be nominated by an approved Three Dot Dash Coalition, GTL Alumni or Mentor; as well as Educational Institutions. In addition, any organization that is not an NGO, but has a Corporate Social Responsibility program or philanthropic division.
  • Be between the ages of 13 — 19 at the time of the Just Peace Summit.
  • Be the founder, co-founder or leader of an organization or project that has significantly addressed one or more basic human needs in their communities and/or globally.
  • Speak and write English proficiently.
  • Be able to travel to the United States and participate during the entire Summit — there are no exceptions.

For nomination and more information visit here


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