*Tuesday, September 8, 2015; ABUJA:*

September 8 is a day set aside annually by UNESCO since 1965, to remind the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. This year’s with the theme “Literacy and Sustainable Societies” was not an exception. Noble Missions for Change Initiative (NMI), a nonprofit organization that empowers young people in Nigeria by supporting their access to quality education commemorated the day with a roundtable discussion on ‘revitalization of literacy in Nigeria’, involving over 60 participants representing the government, private sector, donor agencies, school age children, and other key stakeholders. The event was organized with support from UNESCO, and the World Bank Nigeria as the host.

In his opening remarks, Charles Omofomwan, the Founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit organization – NMI, emphasized the need to take cautious efforts in revitalizing literacy in Nigeria. He said for the country to attain high level of literacy, everyone needed to be concerned about education. He added that the round-table was organized to enable stakeholders to evaluate where the country is educationally, particularly with the introduction of the Post 2015 sustainable Development Goals. In his words, “Everyone is busy, no one is thinking where we are at our literacy level; everybody should be concerned about education to enable us to achieve our set goal of Education for All. We have good policies and

curriculum in place; lots of money is being pumped into the sector but goals are not being achieved because our government lacks the political will”. He further said that more investment should be channeled towards teachers’ development, to encourage them.

Speaking also, Dr. Tunde Adekola, the Senior Education Specialist for the World Bank Nigeria, emphasized three main issues that should be considered if Literacy must be revitalized: access, equity, and collaboration. Dr Saidou Jallow, Senior Programme Specialist, UNESCO, during his presentation gave an insight to the significance of International Literacy Day. He remarked that UNESCO has trained 4,807 adult literacy facilitators from all the thirty six states including the Federal Capital Territory through revitalizing adult and youth literacy in Nigeria (RAYL) project. And was able to mobilize additional US$1 million from Procter & Gamble

(P&G) to intervene in Girls and women education to complement RAYL.

Mr. Jubrin Yusuf paiko, Executive Secretary, National Commission for Mass Literacy Adult and Non-Formal Education (NMEC) attested to some of the facts presented by UNESCO, and further reiterated their efforts and commitments in promoting Non-Formal Education in the country.

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) represented by Nemi Okujagu, shared some interesting statistics with the participants and urged all to contribute towards increasing the literacy level in the country. In his presentation, Anand Kishore Das, Head of Programmes, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) stated how 21st century learning can help revitalize literacy in Nigeria with key attention to the 4Cs (Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication and Collaboration) in the 21st century.

The day ended with discussions on the way forward and recommendations from participants. A communiqué was drafted and will be shared with all participants, and other key stakeholders in the education sector.

*For more information, contact:*

Name: Charles Omofomwan

Phone: +234 (0) 8063801339

Email address: info@noblemissions.org

Website: www.noblemissions.org

NMI is a non-profit non-governmental organization that envisions a developed society where young people are empowered for quality living, free of social vices with enhanced productivity and well-being. Its mission is to empower young people by supporting their access to quality education.

*Copyright © 2015 Noble Missions for Change Initiative (NMI), All rights reserved.*

*Our mailing address is:*

Noble Missions for Change Initiative (NMI)

Suite 4, Wing A, 2nd Floor, Deo-Gratias Plaza, Utako

P. O. Box 8901, Wuse

Abuja 900001



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