UNAIDS was the first United Nations programme to have formal civil society representation on its governing body. It is guided by the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) with representatives from 22 governments, the UNAIDS Cosponsors and an NGO Delegation of 5 delegates and 5 alternate delegates.
The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB has vacancies for two-year terms beginning 1 January 2012 and ending 31 December 2013, for the positions mentioned below.
The UNAIDS PCB is the key global forum for HIV and AIDS policy. The Delegation is important to the effective inclusion of community voices; Delegates represent the perspectives of civil society, including people living with HIV, within UNAIDS policies and programming.
This represents a unique opportunity for committed activists and advocates to make a difference to HIV and AIDS policy implementation in their regions.
APPLY: Scott Bader Global Charity Fund
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The Scott Bader Global Charity Fund aims to annually provide grants to charitable organisations around the world whose purposes support our...
APPLY: Nile Project Fellowship Program for University Students across Africa 2016
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Our fellowship is a 12-month leadership program designed to support young, visionary, and action-oriented university students with the tools...
Closed: APPLY: National Student Advisory Council by AAUW in USA 2017
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Every academic year, AAUW selects 10 inspiring college students to serve on the prestigious National Student Advisory Council (SAC)....
I will prioritise on education, civic engagement and unemployment in my first Year – Envoy of the UN Secretary General on Youth
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Addressing his first ever press conference since resuming office about a month ago, Ahmad Alhendawi, Envoy of the UN...
Let the Data Plan Fasting Begin!
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By ‘Sola Fagorusi On the list of the top 20 richest in the world, there are seven names whose...
CICOPS Scholarships for Researchers in Developing Countries 2021
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In order to promote international co-operation, particularly with Developing Countries (re.World Bank list), the University of Pavia and EDiSU...
Closed: APPLY: Islamic Development Bank (IDB) M.Sc. Scholarship Programme Member Countries (LDMCs) 2017/2018
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The Programme was launched in 1419 H/1998 named “The IDB M.Sc. Scholarship Programme” for Eligible Member Countries. WORTH All...
Rebuilding Africa 'can't be dependent on donors' – Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
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Better infrastructure, more jobs and innovative ways to pay for both are needed to ensure Africa’s development, the Nigerian finance...