September 8 of every year is marked the International Literacy Day. For over 40 years now, UNESCO has been celebrating International Literacy Day by reminding the international community that literacy is a human right and the foundation of all learning.
The theme for the International Literacy Day 2012 is Literacy and Peace.
I stumbled upon a powerful infographics that shows literacy in our evolving world today. Literacy is at the heart of basic education for all and essential for poverty eradication, gender equality, maternal health, child mortality reduction, sustainable development, peace and democracy. Two of the stats that caught my attention in the infographics include ‘47% of 1.4billion persons living on less than USD1.25 a day live in sub-Saharan Africa. Also, ’21 Developing Countries spend more on arms than on Primary Schools’. Africa needs to get its priorities right. The future of the continent lies in its human capacity not in its minerals
See the infographics below
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