By ‘Sola Fagorusi

dataOn the list of the top 20 richest in the world, there are seven names whose businesses are technology and internet related. Leading the list is a man who sells windows! Bill Gates, currently worth about $76 billion sells windows, though by proxy now. Next to him is Carlos Slim Helu and his family, they are currently worth about $72 billion gotten from their interest in the telecom. It’s the digital age and it explains why wealth is possibly also in the digital form. On a light note, Bill’s wealth is understandable since there is a window in every home! For Carlos and those in the telecom sector, the coming days smells well. With the envisaged growth in digital literacy there is bound to continue to be a substantial upsurge in data plan purchase and data usage. The use of the several social networks will not be possible without data. Data drives the all things internet.

Our smart phones today are one of the greatest technological miracles of today. It has redefined how we communicate; at least for folks who are digitally literate. There was a time when data plans were way beyond reach of the average person. It was a sheer luxury. Telecommunication companies who hitherto provided only call and text services now offer data services and telling from advertisements; it is obvious there is a subtle war for patronage. The adverts mostly targeted at young people and especially upwardly mobile types have creative and ingenious pitches. It is a clear indication of the massive data use that now happens daily. On the average, research findings point out that about 250MB of data is used by a regular data user. This includes sending of emails, use of social media, streaming of music and video, web pages visit and a couple of download. Depending on the service provider, the cost varies. There is however an almost similar pricing system with data plans coming as freebies occasionally. No individual writes a personal budget now without including plans for data plan. No decent organisation is completed without a data plan provision for use by staff.

As of 2008, about 9.57 zettabytes of data were used yearly in the process of connecting to the internet at an estimate of about 3 terabytes yearly. Given how fast passed the growth of the internet has become, it is safe to predict that this figure should be in the region of 25-30 zettabytes per annum or more. What comes with this is the volume of information that the average person who spends time online is exposed to. There is therefore an information overload and overflow and it is happening at a fast rate. How the average person deals with this is determined by the time and interest available. The concept of data fasting alludes to taking a leave from the several offering that connectivity comes with. The practicality of this is however a different ball game. For Muslims faithful, the fasting season is on and it bothers on spiritual renaissance. Data fasting allows for time to perhaps cut down on data plan bills and also to review the benefit of time spent online. It also allows for relaxation from the ‘pain’ of having to attend to all mails and messages.

The average adult has a perception about young people. It is not misplaced. It is hinged on the several hours spent smiling alone and looking alone at the shinny screen of their phones. For those who do not know, young people today given the several information available at their disposal possibly have more information at their tips than young people their contemporaries of previous decades. It comes at a price. While data is sucked and paid for, time is also spent. Getting offline; or engaging in a data fast means conserving some hours and conserving some cash. We are somewhat slaves to the new technology around us. A buzz, ping, tone is rarely unattended to. If anything, we are bothered when the phone does not vibrate in response to an Instant Message. A visit to the hospital would also show same addiction. Instances abound of people who are meant to be on bed rest catching some ‘rest’ online. And of course, there is nothing wrong with that!

The speed and ease of life data plan enable makes data plan fasting a difficult choice. The period of fast is ideal to check and review the sites one visits and possibly also ask friends for new online locations with fantastic user experience and others with chances of adding to ones career or professional interests in life. It would also be appropriate to push an advocacy for either reduction in price of data plan or an increase in the data size provided. For individuals, a data plan discipline can also reduce cost. The internet becomes more powerful and beautiful when access is cheap and affordable. The more the people who can afford to get on it, the better for all especially in terms of crowd sourcing information.

How long should a data plan fasting? I am not sure I have an answer to that. Follow me @SolaFagro on twitter to continue this conversation and share experiences.

'Sola Fagorusi

‘Sola Fagorusi

 Sola Fagorusi  is a youth development advocate, freelance writer, accomplished debater cum coach. The Obafemi Awolowo University graduate has about 10 years experience in social entrepreneurship which straddles leadership, good governance cum anti-corruption and adolescent reproductive health. The Leap Africa alumnus is also a trained peer educator, a DESPLAY alumnus and co-facilitator. For 2 years now, he has been a technical consultant and lead judge on the Intra-Faith Peace Youth TV Debate Project facilitated by Youngstars Foundation and the British High Commission. To read his full profile, click here.


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