"Half a Loaf & a Bakery", a book that targets Nigerian undergraduates, hits bookstores and campuses! Book: Half a Loaf & a Bakery ISBN: 978-978-936-307-0 Publisher: Click Weavers Communication (CWC) Limited, Nigeria. Author: Jennifer Ehidiamen Interviewer (co-author): ‘Funso Bukoye Foreword: Mrs Oby Ezekwesili Published date: December 2013 The reviewer: Mr. Lekan Otufodunrin, Managing Editor, Online, The Nation. The Book Review: In the present age of Information overload where youths can easily get confused about how to chart their future path, Half A Loaf & A Bakery provides tested practical survival ideas and guides for youths to make the best of whatever situation they find themselves. More than ever before, the global economic depression has brought to the fore the need for youths to have total education beyond academic knowledge, not only to compete for the available limited job opportunities, but to come up with new ideas and concepts. Divided into five sections, Half A Loaf & A Bakery covers critical issues every youth should have a clear understanding of, which includes challenges of getting started and survival strategies, money matters and overcoming fears that can easily abort dreams if not properly addressed. The importance of acquiring education in the face of tempting opportunities and the need for adequate preparation for adulthood were also properly articulated based on the experiences of the writer, those interviewed and others cited. The main key lessons in the book are summarized in the following subtitles: Before graduation: get started Money matters Don’t freak-out of fear Don’t drop outLearn the art of transitioning. Unlike in the past when youths have to wait to graduate before thinking of what to do with their life, this book lives up to the promise of inspiring them to know what and how to learn before graduation. There are many cited case studies for readers to learn from and convince them about how practicable the ideas contained in the book are. Half A Loaf & A Bakery is indeed a valuable resource material and should be a recommended text for Entrepreneurship courses being offered by higher institutions in the country. ORDER FOR COPIES To buy your copies, please visit your local distributors on selected Nigerian campuses or visit the nearest listed bookstores: Abuja: Media Store, Silverbird Galleria, Abuja, Nigeria Lagos: Florence & Lambard Publisher and Booksellers 202-204 Ikorodu road, Palm Grove bus stop, Lagos. Or download FREE e-book online: Google playstore: Okadabooks:here okadabooks: here (OkadaBooks on Googleplay store). CONTACT Please email: info@clickweavers.com for more information.
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