An e-learning course on Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings, created by UNFPA & partners.
For more information click here
Call for Application: Budget Monitoring and Tracking Training
Jeremiah Yorom, , Blog, Opportunities, Trainings, Budget Monitoring and Tracking Training, Call for Application, YouthHubAfrica Opportunities 2023, 0
Are you a young individual with the drive and passion to make a positive impact in your community? Then...
How not to run a National Conference
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 1
By ‘Sola Fagorusi In the thinking of the government, it is rationalised that the 492 delegates representing 170 million...
You and Your Phone are One By ‘Sola Fagorusi
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, identity, phones, 0
It was 5.30am in the morning when she hit the street with her earphones on. Light was beginning to...
Fully Funded NFP/MSP (MENA) Scholarship Programme 2020 for Study in Netherland
Malti Danjuma, , Blog, Closed, Opportunities, Scholarships, Study Abroad, Fully Funded NFP/MSP (MENA) Scholarship Programme 2020, mena scholarship study in holland, Netherland scholarship for young africans, Scholarship for Africans, Scholarship In Netherlands, 0
The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) offers scholarships to professionals for short courses in the Netherlands. Aim The overall aim...
APPLY: 2012 Call For Proposal
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) is a grant making and advocacy foundation that is part of...
Cape Town Social Enterprise Ramps Up Operation to Further Help Struggling Township Artisans
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
What started as out a single act to help one artisan from the townships has grown into an idea...
APPLY: Jwhinitiative Grants
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
There are two nominating deadlines per year, 1st of June and 1st of December. In order to qualify the...
InterAction’s Photography Contest 2020
Malti Danjuma, , Blog, Closed, Global Competitions, Global Contests, InterAction’s Photography Contest 2020, 0
Each year, InterActions hosts a photo contest to highlight photographers who showcase incredible humanitarian and development work around the...