An e-learning course on Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings, created by UNFPA & partners.
For more information click here
Can the next Einstein come from Africa? If so, what does it take?
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, africa, BBC science festival, makerere, science, technology, uganda, 0
What if Africa were to become the Hub of Science for global science? Will or can the next Einstein...
APPLY: Acceleration Programme for High-Potential Venture 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, Acceleration Programme, High-Potential Venture, 0
Accelerate2030 is a 9-month programme co-initiated by Impact Hub Geneva and the UNDP, with a mission to scale the...
APPLY: Commonwealth Foundation Internship
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, commonweallth, internship, 0
Commonwealth Foundation is looking for an Intern to work in one of their Programme Areas. The internship will...
APPLY: Scholarship- international training Programme "Human Rights for Development
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
Human Rights for development is pleased to announce their first edition of the international training programme “Human Rights for Development” (HR4DEV), which...
What Nigerian students owe this country!
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
By ‘Sola Fagorusi There is nothing wrong with a student who loves to have his ears plugged whilst enjoying...
APPLY: University of Birmingham International Postgraduate Scholarships Program
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 1
Applicants from around the world are invited to submit applications for International Postgraduate Scholarships Program offered by University of...
Apply: Position of Programme Assistant in CIA-GED, Akure-Nigeria.
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, agribusiness, agriculture, program_assistant, 0
Background: Centre for Inclusive Agriculture and Gender Development (CIA-GED) focuses on facilitating towards reduction of bottlenecks in agriculture with...
Press Release: Cape Town Social Enterprise Helps Boost Township Revenues by R1 Million
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
Amidst the gloomy unemployment figures released recently, a start-up social enterprise is making its mark, creating opportunities for entrepreneurs...