EDITORS NOTE: In this article, Yannick Tona from Rwanda makes a case for the appointment of an African Union Commissioner for youth

The campaign
Approximately 60% of the African population are youth. It is said that 10 million young African youth arrive each year on the labour market. by 2020, it is estimated that 3 out of 4 will be on average 20 years old. Yet, despite the fact that young people clearly represent the most important demographic group in Africa and that the au considers youth to be a crucial mobilising factor for peace and development on the continent, the African union still does not have a commissioner that is entirely devoted to youth issues. There is a commissioner for industry and energy. there is one for agriculture. and one for peace and security. so why not appoint a commissioner that can make sure that more than half of the African population is heard within the African union?
The AU does take into consideration the concerns of youth. it does push for the implementation of the African youth charter. it does see youth as a pillar for African development. But still more needs to be done. i am calling for the creation of the post of au commissioner for youth.

why an AU commissioner for youth?

  • So he can represent youth in the African union and make sure their voices are heard
  • so that there can be a single entity in charge of coordinating youth policy within the AUC
  • so that youth issues can be addressed fully, and not as part of another commission or as a link to other issues
  • so that the implementation of the African youth charter and the African youth decade’s plan of action can be accelerated
  • so that priority is given to youth empowerment and development within the AUC
  • so that the au can invest in the demographic group that holds the most economic weight/potential in Africa
  • What will this bring for Africa?
  • By providing a voice for Africa’s youth at the pan-African level, the AU will ensure that it is listening and not ignoring the most influential set of people on the continent. for the social and economic development of Africa, this is crucial!

Africa will:
unite around a resourceful, proactive, innovative group of young people
grow as a continent driven by the investments made on young people
provide an example for other regions of the world on the power of youth

There is a lot you can help with the campaign,to join email us on info@yannicktona.com


Yannick Tona is a youth advocate, and current Youth Ambassador for Harmony. Yannick is actively involved in issues of national and global concern regarding Youth. A survivor of the Rwandan genocide. Since his horrific experience during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda, he has been also an advocate for raising awareness and action against genocide, and discrimination.
Yannick was also a member of the committee in charge of organizing the Celebrations of the International Volunteer Day and International Year of Youth in Rwanda in 2010. In 2010 Yannick was awarded the White Rose Award by Aegis Students and was named as Youth Ambassador for Harmony in Australia. Harmony Day is celebrated all over Australia on the 21st of March each year. It’s a day where all Australians celebrate their cultural diversity. The day is also the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


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