Magazine article submissions are now being accepted for a new ICT4D magazine. The magazine will disseminate information, ICT innovations and trends with a development aim. Each author is only allowed to submit one article. Contributors will be recognized with a copy of the magazine and acknowledgement during the magazine launch.
Please consider the following criteria when developing article submissions.
• Submissions must include the author’s full contact information with short bio and profile picture.
• Articles should be in Microsoft Word format.
• Images should be attached separately in JPEG format.
• Pictures should include a detailed caption of the event or individuals.
• Consent forms (with link for download) should be provided for individuals featured in articles or pictures.
• All articles should be written in English.
• Each submission will be reviewed by an Editor who may correct spelling and grammar and edit for length.
• Articles should not be more than 750 words
All submissions meeting the above requirements should be submitted to
Topics and interest areas
The ICT4D Magazine will focus on the following topics and areas of interest:
• ICT in Education Reforms
• ICT in Health / Telemedicine
• ICT and the Environment
• ICT and Politics
• ICT and Governance
• ICT in Agriculture
• ICT in Business (E-business, The impact of ICT on Business so far, Business in ICT, and the changing business environment due to social media)
• ICT and Youth
• ICT and Gender
• ICT and the Environment
• Telecommunication
• ICT 2012 personalities
Deadline for Submission
All articles should be submitted by email to on or before June 8, 2012
All articles should be accompanied by a signed consent form. Please download the consent form here
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