LEAP is set to launch a Values and Leadership Skills Programme (VLSP) funded through he support of the UK Government. I would like to request your support in sharing information about this programme across your networks.
The Lagos programme commences by October 24, 2011(1 week from Today).
All past beneficiaries of any LEAP youth programme are not allowed to apply for this programme. As a result hurry inform youth in your
network to make good use of this rare opportunity.
The workshop will be held in Abuja, Enugu and Lagos with 50 youth beneficiaries per location. Beneficiaries are expected to be youth between
the ages of 18 to 30 years, who are passionate about community service and have a strong interest in developing leadership skills.
*All past beneficiaries of LEAP’s youth programmes are not allowed to apply for this programme.
For the Application form click here
For more information click here
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