UNESCO MGIEP is looking for 50 dynamic young people from around the world, and across multiple sectors, who are committed to building a more peaceful and sustainable world to participate in TAGe Delhi to share the views and opinions with decision-makers and experts working on prevention of Violent Extremism through Education.


  • TAG provides an opportunity to engage with the youth, allowing their voices to reach policy makers.
  • The event provides the no protocol, town hall discussion between distinguished experts and initiate youth with sophisticated social media campaigns and leading-edge ICT tools to facilitate fresh and insightful discussions and agreements.


Open to Applicants who:

  • Are between ages 25 to 35
  • Are engaged in PVE/E or related domain as an educator, trainer, practitioner, member of a non-Governmental organization, media, professional, documentary, Film maker, private sector professional, policy maker, researcher, academic, or in any other capacity.

DEADLINE: August 5 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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