The active participation of citizens is central to any understanding of the concept of democracy. Without the basic involvement and participation of its citizens, at some level in the decision making and governing process, a government can hardly be said to be democratic. Citizenship enlightenment and youth engagement in the democratic process is important and very relevant especially at this critical period of transformation in Nigeria. In running the affairs of government the people must participate because democracy is a people centered government. For young people to function effectively as active members of Nigerian society they need to be equipped with knowledge, skills and right attitude to engage governance issues. Citizens’ participation in public policy advocacy improves the transparency of public administration and efficiency in public officials. It’s also encourages citizen participation in decision-making and creates a democratic culture within the community and strengthens the social fabric. This training is intended for youth activists, students and young community mobilizers who want to stimulate social change in their community while demanding electoral accountability from elected leaders.
for ore details, click here
Closed: Africa Youth SDG Innovation Award (2023)
Austin Emma, , Blog, Africa Youth SDG Innovation Award (2023), opportunities for Africans, 0
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), through its Subregional office for Southern Africa (SRO-SA), is partnering with...
LETTER WRITING: Lost to the New Media Age by Sola Fagorusi
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‘Hope you are doing fine. If so, doxology’. My classmate, Yetunde, had this as her favourite introductory line when...
Ugandan Parliament and its Proposed Mini-Skirt Legislation by Ruth Aine
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, mini skirt, parliament, uganda, 0
Uganda is an amazing country, no doubt. We have great climate, great food, amazingly hospitable and warm people. But...
2013: The year we tweeted! (PART 2)
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, 0
By: ’Sola Fagorusi Like a cruise ship on a draining journey, we are finally berthing on the 52nd week...
If Gani Fawehinmi was on Twitter by Sola Fagorusi
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It was an afternoon, I had just finished a continuous assessment exam when the news came that Gani, like...
SANDRA’S CROSS Film Premiere (Strictly for people in and around Abuja)
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YouthHubAfrica on behalf of its partners; the UNFPA Nigeria, Young men network Against Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Roskilde...
Closed: Jasiri Talent Investor for Young East Africans Enterpreneurs (2023)
Austin Emma, , Blog, Closed, 0
The Jasiri Talent Investor invests in and focuses on individuals first before companies, teams, or ideas. The program guides selected...
Literacy in the World
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, education, infographics, literacy, poverty, 0
September 8 of every year is marked the International Literacy Day. For over 40 years now, UNESCO has been...