This contest is open to all Nigerian youths below the age of 30. The aim Is to reawaken in the Nigerian youth the core value of patriotism and avail them the opportunity of participating in poIicy decision making process,
Entries must conform to the rules outlined below:
1. The entry must be an original, researched work on the above topic, showing clarity of thought and innovation, while providing practical suggestions and directions for implementation.
2. The essay must have four parts:
(a) Title Page
(b) Body of work
(e) Bibliography
(d) Contestant’s biography
3.The title page, bibliography and contestant’s biography must be listed on separate pages and no reference to the contestant’s name or information should be part of the body of work.
4. Using a font size of 12 – 14, entries must be double spaced.
5.The contestant’s biography must include the contestant’s name, address, telephone number and email address (where available).
6.The essay, which must have a minimum of 800 words, must not exceed 1,000 words (excluding the title page and biography).
7.Entries will be judged based on the following:
I. Accuracy of Information
ii. Clarity of thought
iii. Organization / proven topic
Iv. Grammar and spelling
v. Documentation
Submission of Entries
1.Entry closes at 4:00 pm on Friday, December 9, 2011
2.All entries must be submitted online to ANY of the Agency’s email addresses listed beIow or submitted by hand to the Office ofthe Director Planning, Research & Statistics, (PRS) Room 343, National Orientation Agency Headquarters, Block ‘B’ Old Federal Secretariat Complex, Area I, Garki – Abuja:’
(Please forward a copy each of your submission to all of the above listed email addresses to guarantee receipt)
The following prizes are to be won:
First Prize
A laptop Computer, N5OO,OOO cash and Certificate of Participation.
Second Prize
A laptop Computer, N25O,OOO cash and Certificate of Participation.
Third Prize
A laptop Computer, N15O,OOO cash and Certificate of Participation.
Ten (10) ConsoIation Prizes
N50,000 each and Certificate of Participation
For further enquiries, call 08037871614 or 08086191122
For more details, click here
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