During the period 2010-2011, CTA successfully implemented Web 2.0 training events known as Web 2.0 Learning Opportunities (LOs) in 14 ACP (Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries. This resulted in the training of approximately 900 people, 33% women. Feedback from beneficiaries (individuals and institutions) has been extremely positive and requests for replication of the initiative in other countries have been pouring in.
Each event lasts for 5 days and accommodates approximately 25-28 trainees, who are selected, based on applications submitted after an open call. One day of the training is devoted to the introduction to the IMARK module “Social Media for Development” and this allows trainees additional opportunities for perfecting skills through a self-learning offline approach.
In 2012 CTA in partnership with other development agencies, will extend the same initiative to additional ACP countries.
It is expected that the implementation of the project will stimulate (i) the adoption of low cost, simple and replicable Internet-based technologies to enhance stakeholders engagement in Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) policy making and in the improvement of value chains, and (ii) the effective use of local knowledge in the process
A team of four officers will coordinate the implementation of the project. The Intern will work under the guidance of the project Team Leader (acting as Mentor) and in collaboration with the other Team Members.
Responsibilities of the Intern
Under the guidance of his/her Mentor, the Intern will carry out the following activities:

  1. Assist in the organisation and follow-up of Web 2.0 Learning Opportunities;
  2. Interact and collaborate remotely with consultants, host organisations and beneficiaries using cutting edge technology;
  3. Assist in the gathering and processing data for M&E purposes and for assessing project impact;
  4. Contribute to the analysis of the results of a planned impact assessment;
  5. Assist in the French versioning of the English Web 2.0 curriculum which will be updated in early 2012;
  6. Perform other tasks as requested by the mentor.

for more details, click here


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