The international NGO conference on ‘Advancing the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda: Reconfirming Rights – Recognising Limits – Redefining Goals‘ will be held from 20-22 March 2013 in Bonn, Germany. The conference will bring together 250 civil society activists and representatives from key stakeholders in order to draw together civil society inputs into the Sustainable Development and Post-2015 discussions.
The conference is free of charge and includes daily coffee-breaks and lunch, two dinners and all conference documentation.
Funding will be available for a limited number of participants. Decisions will be made by committee based on the following additional criteria:

  • CSO representatives based in developing countries.
  • Representatives of key networks with predominantly Southern members.

You can apply to participate in this conference if you meet the following criteria:

  • Experience with and expertise on the Post-2015 agenda, preferably CSO lead or focal point for thematic or national consultations on Post-2015.
  • Experience in monitoring, reporting, advocacy and campaigning on issues of social, economic and gender justice, environmental sustainability and human rights.
  • Representation of a wider constituency, with special attention to a strong representation of those from developing countries, from social movements and from socially excluded groups.
  • Commitment and tools to report back to a wider constituency at regional/national level.
  • Commitment to engage in follow-up activities after the conference.

Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the conference is being shaped by a Steering Committee composed of many of the major international civil society networks such as CIVICUS, Beyond 2015, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP), Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA), Social Watch, VENRO and the Baltic Sea Forum. The conference strives to bring together key actors in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development discussion helping them to exchange information, learn from each other benefiting from our sector’s diversity and agree joint demands and strategy where this is possible.
Deadline for applications: 13 January 2013
For more information, visit this link.


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