Want to show your writing talents to 2 million people worldwide?
Each year, over 500,000 students from 200 nations study in the UK at universities, colleges and boarding schools, plus some 600,000 more international students come to the UK for short English language courses.
The British Council’s website – www.educationuk.org – aims to inspire international students to study in the UK, help them to find a suitable course and offer them advice to help them settle in.
Who can enter
We are happy to receive entries from any student who is currently studying in the UK or who has graduated from the UK in the last two years. You can be of any nationality. You must be aged 16 or over to enter. For entrants aged 16 – 18 please confirm when you send in your entry that you have parental/guardian consent to submit your article
Submitting your article
Please submit your article to educationuk.website@britishcouncil.org by the 28th January 2013. Please include the following details.

  • Your first name and surname
  • School/college/university
  • Course
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Email address

If you would like to, please also send a photo of yourself to accompany your piece. (If you don’t want to send a photo, no problem).
For more information, click here.


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