How it all works.
Every story submitted to Project Pen will be reviewed on a case by case basis by a team of English and Arabic editors. They’ll post your work, edit it where necessary, and give you personal feedback if it doesn’t quite work out.
How long is a ‘short’ story?
A short story can be anywhere from ten words to ten thousand words in length. Because of this, the longer ones might get serialized on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
What if I don’t write?
The stories on this site can be in any format from audio, to video, to conceptual and image based.
For most of history, stories weren’t written down – they were scratched on caves, and spoken out over the camp fire.
You can submit a story to Project Pen, or via email to
Please leave your name [or alias], twitter handle, & blog at the end of every submission so we can tag you.
for more information, click here.


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