One of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers, Airbus invites entries for its 2013 Airbus Fly Your Ideas competition. The competition for students is to anticipate the global needs of a more connected, more sustainable world. Airbus Fly Your Ideas challenges students across the globe to develop new ideas for the eco-efficient aviation industry of the future.
Contesting teams are expected to proffer solutions for seemingly impossible challenges that shape the way we live – like those that made air travel a reality. They want students to adopt that innovative spirit in Fly Your Ideas 2013. Airbus is asking students to think big too, and propose an idea to address one of the following 21st century challenges for greener aviation in the following categories:

  • Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Affordable Growth
  • Traffic Growth
  • Passenger Experience
  • Community Friendly
  • Other

Winning Team: €30,000;
Runners-up: €15,000.
More importantly, students participating can also benefit/gain from:

  • Interaction with and coaching from Airbus employees
  • The chance to develop their teamwork skills
  • The opportunity to enhance creativity and innovation skills
  • The chance to improve their project development & presentation skills
  • Working with other nationalities
  • Learning more about Airbus and the aviation industry
  • Feedback on their ideas from industry experts

Application Dates:

  • July 2012 – 30th November 2012: Registration
  • 3rd September 2012 – 7th December 2012: Round 1 – Proposal
  • January – April 2013: Round 2 – Project
  • May – June 2013: Round 3 – Presentation

June 2013: Final presentation and awards – top selected teams will present their ideas to a panel of Airbus and industry experts
For more information, please click here


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