I stumbled on a video about the Solar Bottle Light and was astonished about how something so simple and so dynamic can help to provide lights in many homes in Africa. I live in Nigeria where regular power supply has been a mirage since i was born and so the simplicity of the solar bottle light struck me as profound.
The Solar Bottlle Bulb was designed and developed by Students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is based on the principles of Appropriate Technologies – a concept that provides simple and easily replicable technologies to address basic needs in developing communities.
The Solar Bottle Light is inexpensive and made from recyclable materials and easy to assemble. It is an alternative source of daylight powered by the sun and can produce up to 55 watts.
See the video below for a demonstration of what the Solar Bottle Light has done in communities in the Philippines through the work of the Isang Litrong Liwanag (Liter of Light) Foundation
Rotimi Olawale, co-founder of youthhubafrica.org is a youth development expert. For more than six years he has been involved in leading youth advocacy efforts mainly around the Millennium Development Goals. In 2006, he represented Nigeria as a youth ambassador at the United Nations Global Youth Leadership Summit held at the UN Headquarters in New York. Rotimi has held several global leadership positions including; member, UNFPA Global Youth Advisory Panel for 2 years; member, African Youth Panel. Rotimi is currently involved in shaping local, national and global policies to benefit youth and also leverage opportunities for young people. He was listed by the Nigerian government as one of 15 Nigerian youth on the world stage in 2008.
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