The contest is sponsored by the IBM Z Academic Initiative, which has provided mainframe training and resources to students...
Author Archive for: opportunitiesadmin
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Closed: APPLY: NUFFIC Fellowships in Netherlands 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, NUFFIC Fellowships in Netherlands 2018, 0The Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC) offers fellowships to participate in training courses in The...
Closed: APPLY: Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Sciences Po in France 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, France, MasterCard Foundation, Scholars Program, Sciences Po, 0Sciences Po stands out for combining approaches and confronting different worldviews. This tradition of diversity and multidisciplinary approach makes...
Closed: APPLY: ENERGY GLOBE Award in Tehran 2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, ENERGY GLOBE Award, Tehran, 0The objective of the ENERGY GLOBE Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to...
Closed: APPLY: Regulatory Capacity Strengthening in Africa Program
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Africa Program, Regulatory Capacity Strengthening, 0The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) is seeking applications for its program entitled “Regulatory capacity strengthening in Africa” in order to strengthen African...
Closed: APPLY: Award for Excellence in Journalism
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Award for Excellence in Journalism, 0The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) is currently seeking nominations for the Award for Excellence in Journalism to recognize professional...
Closed: REGISTER to Attend D.A.R.E Conference 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, D.A.R.E Conference 2017, 0D.A.R.E Conference For Young People in Abuja The DARE conference will bring 500 young Nigerians together to discuss and...
Closed: REGISTER to Attend D.A.R.E Conference 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, D.A.R.E Conference 2017, 0D.A.R.E Conference For Young People in Abuja The DARE conference will bring 500 young Nigerians together to discuss and...
Closed: REGISTER to Attend D.A.R.E Conference 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, D.A.R.E Conference 2017, 0D.A.R.E Conference For Young People in Abuja The DARE conference will bring 500 young Nigerians together to discuss and...
Closed: REGISTER to Attend D.A.R.E Conference 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, D.A.R.E Conference 2017, 0D.A.R.E Conference For Young People in Abuja The DARE conference will bring 500 young Nigerians together to discuss and...