The Afya Bora Fellowship in Global Health Leadership works to fill an identified gap in training for African and...
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APPLY: Newton Mobility Grants 2016: Supporting International Researchers
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Grant2016, international, Mobility, Newton, Researchers, Supporting, 0The Newton Fund is currently inviting researchers for its Newton Mobility Grants, as part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA)...
APPLY: Women and Gender Constituency ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ 2016, Constituency, gender, women, 0The Women and Gender Constituency is very pleased to invite you to participate in the ‘Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards’ initiative...
APPLY: IDEX Global Fellowship Program (January ’17 Cohort).
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Trainings, Workshops, fellowship, IDEX Global, Program2016, 0Applications for the January ’17 Fellowship cohort is now open! IDEX is a six month fellowship experience designed for...
APPLY: Fourth African School on Internet Governance 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Trainings, African, Fourth, Governance 2016, internet, Internet Governance, school, 0The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency-e-Africa Programme are pleased to announce the...
APPLY: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Awards 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, (EDCTP), Awards 2016, Clinical Trials, developing countries, european, Partnership, 0The European Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership (EDCTP) invites nominations to the following awards: Scientific Leadership Award, Outstanding Female...
APPLY: MPESA Foundation Academyfor Talented but Economically Disadvantaged Kenyan Students 2017 .
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Academy 2017, Economically Disadvantaged, Foundation, Kenyan Students., mpesa, Talented, 0The M-PESA Foundation Academy is state of the Art, co-educational and residential high school providing world class Kenyan education....
APPLY: Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Memorial Scholarship Fund 2016/2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Fund 2016/2017, Memorial, Mwalimu Julius, Nyerere, scholarship, 0The Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Memorial Scholarship Fund announces Scholarships for the 2016/2017 academic year. The Fund grants Scholarships to...
APPLY: ConDev’s Student Media Grants: Inviting Students Worldwide 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Trainings, ConDev’s, grants, Student Media, Worldwide 2016, 0The Center on Conflict and Development Student Media Grant, a photojournalism grant, is open for applications and invites students worldwide. ConDev—part...
APPLY: Peter Bello Photography Master Class Calabar 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Trainings, Calabar, Master Class, Peter Bello, photography, 0The Peter Bello Foundation is a Non-governmental organization committed to spreading the message of hope and giving young people...