The Louis Dreyfus Foundation aims to promote sustainable agriculture, food security and self-sufficiency, particularly through education and direct support...
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APPLY: African Centre for Media excellence (ACME) Reporting Grant 2016/2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, ACME, African Centre for Media Excellence, Reporting Grant 2016/2017, 0The African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME) is pleased to invite Ugandan Journalists to apply for the 5th, 6th...
APPLY: Accelerating Digital Innovation in Media 2016
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Accelerating Digital Innovation, Code for Africa, innovateAFRICA Fund, Media 2016, 0Applications are open for innovateAFRICA Fund, run by Code for Africa that aims to accelerate digital innovation in watchdog media and civic news...
APPLY: MasterCard Foundation Undergraduate & masters Scholarships 2017.
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Trainings, Foundation, Mastercard, Scholarships 2017, Undergraduate & masters, 0The MasterCard Foundation has partnered with Michigan State University to provide full tuition Scholarships to undergraduate and Master’s degree...
APPLY: Pitch AgriHack for Young e-agriculture Start-ups (15,000 Euros in cash) 2016.
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Pitch AgriHack 2016, start-ups, Young e-agriculture, 0Pitch AgriHack 2016: Accelerating e-agriculture entrepreneurship in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific Pitch AgriHack! Is a new component of...
APPLY: Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2016/2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Trainings, Earth Institute, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Program 2016/2017, 0The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship program is the premier program in the world for those dedicated to a better...
APPLY: British Council Alumni Awards For Professionals who Studied in the UK
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Alumni, awards, British Council, professionals, UK, 0Apply or nominate anyone for the Alumni Awards that you know attended a university in the UK and is...
APPLY: Lex: Lead Annual Essay Competition 2016 for Students in Developing Countries
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Annnual Essay Competition, developing countries, Lex: Lead, students, 0Lawyers for Economic Advancement and Development (Lex: lead) is again happy to announce a scholarship competition for students in...
APPLY: Brisc research and Training Mobility Grants
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Trainings, Brisc, Mobility Grants, research and Training, 0The National Institute for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (NIHSS) and the South African BRICS Think Tank (SABTT)...
APPLY: ConDev’s Student Media Grants Awards 2016 (USD$5,000) for Students Worldwide
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Awards 2016, ConDev’s, grants, Student Media, Worldwide, 0The ConDev Grant was inspired by Howard G. Buffett’s use of photography to document the nexus of conflict and...