Planet earth invite entries from interested and passionate individuals to be part of the Africa Data Challenge, and pitch their ideas for projects that can help translate and transmit ways of linking cutting edge scientific debates and issues to the continent’s academics and innovators.

Interested parties are invited to send brief proposals of around 500 words outlining their projects. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to pitch their ideas in a 10-15 minute slot at the PEI UNConferance on 18th November, 2014 in London and deliver the project with support of PEI and our partners throughout.


  • Open to all

DEADLINE: 10th October, 2014

To apply and for more information visit here


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  1. Bosun Anjorin 10 years ago

    This is truly inspiring and innovative,

  2. bismark antwi 10 years ago

    Am really glad to participate but please can you send me the link to apply?


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