Youth Farm (YFarm) Project was launched on April 2nd, 2014 as a brainchild, joint project and trademark of Fresh & Young Brains Development Initiative (FBIN) and Alexijan Consults. YFarm Project aims to establish and promote at least 10,000 youth-led climate smart farms and agribusinesses across Africa by 2020. The project draws African youth out of Poverty, into Sustainable Agriculture and closer to God. The project promotes agriculture as a Culture, Career, Business and Fun Activity among vulnerable youth in Africa.

The project targets vulnerable youth from conflict, rural and peri-urban communities across Africa using research & documentation, Bootcamps and festivals, policy advocacy & public engagement, media & social media campaigns, farm documentary, sub-grants, farm demonstrations and integrated organic farms.


Selected Participants will be reimbursed their road transport costs while other logistics (accommodation and feeding) will be handled directly by the organizers.


Application is open to youth within any of the following categories:

  • Rural out of School Youth
  • Unemployed Youth
  • Rural youth within 18 – 35yrs
  • Vulnerable Youth (young widows, orphans, youth with disability, albinism or special needs)
  • Should be willing to commit to the project activities and social media campaigns for the next one year
  • Should be able to join other participants to form a co-operative upon completion of the training
  • Should have passion for Climate Smart Agriculture, and be willing to learn.

To apply and for more information visit here


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