Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights is calling for applications from lawyers and civil society organizations based in Africa to participate in a forthcoming litigation surgery on the protection of civic space. The litigation surgery will be held in Dakar on 10 – 11 May 2018.


Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights will cover the costs of airfare, visas, transportation, accommodations, and a reasonable per diem for expenses not otherwise covered for up to 8 selected participants.


  • The litigation surgery is open to lawyers and civil society representatives from African Union member states, with a demonstrated commitment to addressing threats to civic space in their home country through regional human rights litigation.
  • The participants must be involved in, or considering, litigating a case or cases that address the suppression of civic space involving a violation of the rights to freedoms of expression, assembly, and/or association. With their application, they must submit a case that they are litigating or intend to litigate before an African human rights body that could be discussed and workshopped during the litigation surgery.

DEADLINE: April 2 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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