IYC in partnership with UNESCO MGIEP calls for applications to attend the UNESCO TECH CONFERENCE 2017. Only highly qualified individuals will be selected for this event. This is a special opportunity given by UNESCO MGIEP to IYC to achieve its vision and mission.


  • No registration fees for students (both Indian and Foreign);
    Registration Fees for professional people (Indian – 6,500? & Foreign – 160$)

What registration fees cover: Only attendance to the Conference with 4 meals and conference materials. Travel, Visa and other local expenses to bear by self.

As per understanding between IYC & UNESCO MGIEP, the following are the advantages of registering through IYC:

  • Discount in registration fee;
  • Preferences to Youth in Selection processes;
  • High Chances of “Post Facto Travel Scholarship” for deserved participants if selected by IYC;
  • Registration Fees payment on the spot.


  • 5 “extremely” strong proposals for regular sessions from which will be picked possibly 1 or 2. This 1 or 2 will provide a chance to sit on the panel with 3 great personalities of the World.
  • 50 ultra-qualified students as regular delegates (could be senior high school student, Bachelors but preferably Masters, PhD or post-doctoral in Education/pedagogies, policy);
  • 20 professionals – 15 from India and 5 International as regular delegates
  • 2 Indian start-ups in EdTech

DEADLINE: October 28, 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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